My grandma Sprouse is such a cute lady! Recently she has started sending me money so I will survive as a starving college student.  My mom has been telling me to sell plasma lately so I can get some $$$  Here's what I got in the mail from Grandma Spruceky along with some money. 

Apparently my mom must have said something about selling plasma when they went to visit or something.  It made me smile so so big. What a cute lady.  I love her.

5 Response to "Some Grandma Love"

  1. Unknown says:

    Bah ha! That is a great note! keep it forever!

  2. Unknown says:

    HAHAHA now I can see the note you were telling me about at dinner last night. The perfect cursive writing is the cherry on the cake to this story.

  3. lol too funny! She is such a sweet lady!

  4. alesha says:

    Wow, that is AWESOME! Laminate that!

  5. Kayde says:

    hahaha I love Grandmas! I cant wait for yours and Loris date tonight to Alice I miss your face!