Welcome to the 2010 Father of the Year awards.
We wish that we could give the award to everyone or have an entire day dedicated to all the fathers out there, but since that is not the case we would like to give an honorable mention to the other contestants out there. All of them have proven to be strong and loving men who are exceptional fathers to their children.
Before we announce the winner of the 2010 Father of the Year award, we would like to recognize our panel judges...
McKenna Sprouse,
Jamie Sprouse,
Hailey Sprouse,
and last and most important
Kaitlyn Sprouse
We hand-picked this diverse yet highly qualified panel of judges to ensure that we would receive unbiased and accurate results.
So without further ado,
The Father of The Year goes to....
(Drum Roll)
This guy.
Congratulations, you have now won a life-time supply of ugly Dad's day ties.
Congratulations, you have now won a life-time supply of ugly Dad's day ties.
Oh, what's that?
Random sandwich guy has been disqualified due to the fact that we have no idea who he is or how to contact him. GASP. So...
Our new winner is...
Come on Down!!
Who Me?
(Keith Sprouse with his beautiful wife Lori back in the day)
You can read about how AWESOME he is here
Okay, but seriously,